Monthly Archives: March 2013


The word court has many meanings, from that of a group of folk gathered around somebody to a yard hemmed by buildings. But the main one today—and the only one I wish to talk about here—is that of a body which tries and finds the law. There has been a few word put forward to overset court, but most of them fall short. But let’s have another go as I think I have found something both natural–sounding and already in speech.

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Filed under words


The adjective simultaneous—and the related adverb simultaneously—are ripe for a new English word. Not only are they overlong and over–Latin, but they mean something which is fairly basic and should have an easier word. It is easy to swap them with the phrase at the same time, but it would be better if we could have something shorter and ‘snappier’.

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Filed under words


Size which had been worrying me for some time. It is a rife word and yet I hadn’t found any word I liked to overset it. I had been saying greath for a time—that is great with –th—but it sounded clumsy. And for some unknown I had not seen the most obvious word for it…until today. I was reading a book with a quote from the 1700s where somebody was describing a thing and spoke of its bigness. The word seemed so natural and flowed well with the other words, and of course it was easy to know what it meant straight away. Even though you might think it would sound odd to speak of the bigness of small things, we already say height even of low things and length of short things. Size is a small gap filled with bigness.


Filed under words